Meaning of a dream about begging someone to do a job for you

A pregnant woman dreaming of begging for a job is having a baby girl. Be careful with water and fire:And guard against moving the fetus.

People in the current year of life dreamed of seeking to give oneself to the person who did the work:Be careful to prevent small people from framing, treat people with modesty and courtesy, noble people help to turn misfortune into good fortune.

Traveling people dreamed of kowtowing to the leader to ask for work:Suggest going out as scheduled, beware of fire.

Doing business dreamed of begging for his own work:By price instability and loss of wealth, from the new internal reorganization and then open.

People in love dreamed of begging for a job:Both sides can trust each other, lovers will be happy together.

Pregnant people dreaming of letters to the ancients to ask for work:Predicted that you can expect to give birth to a daughter, the fall occupying the birth of a man.

People dreaming of ancient people asking for work and giving a lot of medieval coins means that one should be persistent and prudent in handling things:And can be smooth and safe.

Pregnant people dreaming of beating up a clerk on an errand:Predicting the birth of a male child, with a poor health situation.

People dreaming of asking others to do errands in their current year of life:Implying that their career is not going well, be careful with fire and water, and be cautious of official symbols.

Pregnant people dreaming of relatives asking for work:Foretelling the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man, be careful to prevent the fetus from moving.

People dreaming of doing business dreamed of asking a disliked leader to do a job:Representing that although things are going well, progress is very slow, be careful against being sabotaged.

People dreaming of begging others to do things means that the fall is favorable:But the results are not satisfactory, and it is difficult to get what one wishes for.

People dreaming of begging a leader to do things means that things are not going well:Health is not good, it is advisable to take care of yourself.

Traveling person dreamed of office when the clerk to the clerk to beat:Suggests such as traveling, encounter wind be careful.

Traveling people dreamed of begging disliked leader to do errands:Suggests smooth and safe, pay attention to do not go near dangerous places.

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