I dreamt I had a dog and slept with him.

If you are pregnant and dream of raising a dog and sleeping with it:You are predicting the birth of a boy, but if you are pregnant, you will have a girl, so be careful not to have a miscarriage.

The people in love dreamed that they raised a dog and took him to bed:Indicating that relatives have opinions, do not be discouraged, there is hope for marriage.

Doing business dreamed of raising a dog and taking him to bed:On behalf of the first difficult and then easy, after the loss of money, and then gained wealth and profit. Have confidence.

People dreaming of raising a dog and taking him to bed:Means unstable mood, can't meditate down, the south less to go for the best.

Dreaming of raising a dog and taking him to bed:According to the Zhouyi five elements analysis, the lucky color is green, lucky number is 8, peach blossom bit in the southeast direction, wealth in the direction of the south, the lucky food is cashew nuts.

Those who traveled dreamed of keeping a dog:Suggest delaying the trip for a few days.

Those who traveled dreamed of raising a dog:Suggesting a smooth round trip, safe and sound.

People who go to school dreamed of keeping a white dog:Implying a smooth admission as expected.

Pregnant people dreaming of raising a white dog:Predicting the birth of a male child, be cautious of miscarriage, avoid moving earth.

Dreaming of raising a dog and taking him to bed:Need to be extra cautious about money handling, regardless of the size of the amount, as long as it is handled by the money to see clearly, count carefully. Shopkeepers receive large bills more eyes, more touch, lest they receive fake bills. For those who work in the legal profession, you should also be aware of the possibility of getting into trouble for negligence in handling cases. Untie the knot in the rope... LUCKY!

For a person who goes to school dreaming that he doesn't have a dog and has a small white dog:It means that admission will go smoothly as expected.

A pregnant person dreaming of sleeping at noon when I have a dog foretells the birth of a daughter and less going out to climb mountains.

Traveling people dreamed of raising two dogs and two cats:Suggests traveling as expected, smooth.

Pregnant people dreamed of keeping a dog at home:Predicting the birth of a daughter, the south avoid moving earth.

Doing business dreamed of having a child and taking him out to play:Representing ups and downs and finally paperwork litigation.

People dreaming of raising a dog:Poor science results, hard to get in.

Those who dreamed of raising three dogs on a trip:Suggesting postponement in case of rain, and postponement in case of disagreement.

A pregnant woman dreaming of raising five dogs predicts the birth of a male. A woman in April.

A traveler dreaming of raising two dogs suggests a smooth trip as expected.

Pregnant person dreamed of keeping a small white dog:Foretelling the birth of a male, be careful not to move the fetus and lose it.

Traveling people dreamed that they did not have a dog raised a small white dog:Suggest bad luck, less go out for good.

The traveler dreamed of raising four dogs:Suggesting that in case of wind and rain, the travel will be postponed.

Traveling people dreamed of raising two dogs:Suggests traveling smoothly as scheduled.

Traveling people dreaming of having a child and taking him out to play:Suggest postponing the departure is good.

Pregnant people dreamed of raising a dog:Predicting the birth of a boy. Summer occupies the birth of a female, the south less go.

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