I dreamt I saw a bird eating in a cave.

A traveler dreaming of seeing lots of tiny birds in a cave will have a smooth trip and gain wealth.

If you dream of seeing a lot of tiny birds in a cave:You will not be able to achieve the desired results and will not be admitted.

A businessman dreaming of seeing many small birds in a cave will start off well:But will be uncertain in the middle of the journey and lose in the end.

A pregnant woman dreaming of seeing many tiny birds in a cave would give birth to a boy; a girl would be born in the summer months:Preventing the fetus from being moved.

People dreaming of seeing a lot of small birds in a cave in their current year of life would get help from noblemen:Have a smooth and successful life, and get an unexpected fortune.

Those who traveled dreamed of being in a big cave:Suggesting a smooth and safe journey.

Travelers dreaming of being dragged by a superior in a cave:Suggests smooth and feasible.

Dreaming of vegetable gold mine in a cave:Today's physical condition is not good, need you sufficient rest to recover.

People in love dreaming of rain inside a cave:Suggests stubbornness, rigidity, intentionally difficult and attainment.

People in business dreaming of being inside a cave and not being able to get out:In the stationery, publishing, or timber, round art industry to gain profit and wealth, smooth.

People in love dreamed of seeing many small birds inside a cave:Because of the big age difference, parents do not agree, only let nature take its course.

People dreaming of being inside a cave can't get out:Have perseverance, first bitter and then sweet, things to retreat.

If you dream of being inside a cave:Your business will not go well and you will lose a lot of money.

Pregnant people dreaming of living in a cave and seeing fire:Predicting the birth of a boy, autumn occupying the birth of a girl, peace.

If a traveler dreams of living in a cave:He will go out for nothing, but he will not get anything out of it.

Pregnant people dreaming of being in a cave:Predicting the birth of a boy, avoid moving the earth to scare the fetus God is not good.

A traveler dreaming of finding bread in a cave is advised to change the date of departure.

A pregnant woman dreaming of being inside a cave predicts the birth of a boy. Summer occupies the birth of a female:Be careful to prevent miscarriage.

People in love dreaming of living in a cave and seeing a fire:Suggesting that the marriage is ripe, the best spouse, marriage can be accomplished.

People dreaming of seeing a Buddha in a cave means that the person who seeks to get what he wants will get what he wants:But be careful of rumors and lawsuits.

Doing business dreamed of rain inside a cave:Represents property wealth, don't listen to false rumors, stable and profitable.

If a businessman dreams of walking in a cave:It represents unfavorable business operation, slow growth, and stopping business at a loss.

A pregnant woman dreaming of seeing an old turtle in a cave predicts the birth of a male child:But her health is not good.

For a businessman to dream of living in a cave and seeing a fire:Represents mixed fortunes and misfortunes, with gains and losses. Caution is advised.

People dreaming of going to school dreamed of being inside a cave:But not changing their minds and preparing well, they will be admitted eventually.

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