Dreaming of Wearing Bridal Wear

Pregnant people dreaming of trying on a bridal gown are predicting the birth of a daughter and preventing a miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreaming of trying on bridal gowns:Give birth to a daughter, be careful to prevent miscarriage.

A pregnant woman dreaming of trying on a bridal gown predicts the birth of a daughter:Beware of miscarriage.

Pregnant people dreaming of wearing a bridal gown:Foretells birth of a daughter with paroxysmal pains, more maintenance.

School dreamed of wearing ancient bridal costume and crying:Means successful admission.

School people dreaming of meeting a classmate in a bridal gown at a concert:Means concentrating on one thing and having confidence in one's efforts to be admitted eventually.

Pregnant people dreaming of wearing bridal wear:Predicting the birth of a man, spring and summer accounted for the birth of a woman. The mother should take good care of herself to prevent wind and cold.

Doing business dreamed of a concert meet wearing bridal wear classmates:On behalf of not suitable for large investment, small investment nobleman help smooth get wealth.

People dreaming of love wearing red bridal wear:After a period of ups and downs, your help, smooth as desired to get wealth.

Traveling people dreaming of others wearing red bridal wear on their own home:Suggests failing to connect well, there are changes, can't go smoothly.

Travelers dreaming of others wearing bridal wear:Can go out without harm, slightly windy, add some clothes.

People in love dreamed of wearing bridal wear:Suggesting that mutual discovery of shortcomings, if you can tolerate each other marriage can be accomplished.

Doing business dreamed of a woman wearing old-fashioned bridal wear:On behalf of smooth money-making, winter is unfavorable, it is advisable to be cautious of small people.

Doing business dreamed of dreaming of wearing bridal wear:On behalf of the faithful treatment of people, smoothly get wealth, slowly progress.

Traveling people dreaming of dreaming of wearing bridal wear:Suggests that there is a wind is stopped, postponed and then set off.

Pregnant people dreaming of wearing ancient bridal clothes and crying:Predicting the birth of a boy, smooth, careful fireplace.

Pregnant people dreaming of others wearing red bridal wear on their own home:Predicting the birth of a man, summer occupying the birth of a woman, be careful to prevent moving the fetus gas.

People dreaming of others wearing bridal wear in the current year of their lives:Good fortune, be careful against fairy jumps or backstabbing, everything will go smoothly.

Pregnant people dreaming of meeting students in bridal wear at a concert:Predicting the birth of a daughter, winter occupying the birth of a man, prevent miscarriage.

People in love dreamed of others wearing bridal wear:The age of women than men, after a storm before the end.

Traveling people dreamed of wearing ancient bridal clothes and cried:It is recommended to follow the original plan. Do not change the itinerary is good.

Pregnant people dreaming of others wearing bridal wear:Give birth to a man, avoid moving the earth to move the fetus abortion.

Doing business dreamed that his lover wore red bridal wear:Although the initial operation is smooth, and then more obstacles, loss and destruction.

Doing business dreamed that he wears ancient bridal wear crying:On behalf of the stable, be careful to prevent the market rise and fall, or damage and loss of money.

People dreaming of women wearing ancient bridal wear:Means bad luck, traveling out less to go, friends less care, lawsuits.

Pregnant people dreaming of coworkers wearing bridal gowns:Predicting the birth of a daughter, winter occupies the birth of a man, food caution.

People in love dreamed of meeting in a concert wearing bridal wear classmates:Suggesting that temperament is difficult to tolerate, mutual forbearance marriage can be accomplished.

People in love dreaming of a woman wearing ancient bridal wear:Suggesting disagreement, confidence shaken.

Traveling people dreamed of woman wearing old-fashioned bridal wear:Suggests temporary change of mind and delay a few days before departure.

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