Dreams about the great river iced over

A traveler dreaming of a big river iced over is advised to go out safely.

Pregnant people dreaming of a big river ice melted:Predicting the birth of a daughter, spring occupying the birth of a man, avoid moving the earth.

People in love dreamed of big river ice melted:Suggests both personalities conservative due to stubbornness, should understand each other.

School people dreaming of big river ice melted:Means literature a subject slightly unsatisfactory, admission is expected.

People dreaming of doing business dreamed of a big river melting:Representing failure to smooth, disagreement, suitable to adjust communication before operation.

This year's people dreamed of big river ice melted:Means the southeast less go for good, not good for distant travel, bimonthly less go out, damage disaster.

Pregnant people dreaming of ice melting:Give birth to a girl or twins, smooth and safe.

Those who traveled dreamed of melting ice in a river:Suggesting that unexpected events delay the date of travel.

A traveler dreaming of ice melting and running water when the refrigerator door is left open suggests postponing the trip in case of rain.

Travelers dreaming of ice melting in a large river are advised to proceed according to the original plan safely and smoothly.

People dreaming of ice melting dream:Have confidence can get wealth, pay attention to fire.

Pregnant people dreaming of ice melting predicted the birth of a male child:Mother's body more maintenance.

Pregnant people dreaming of ice melting in a big river:Foretelling the birth of a boy, the birth of a girl in May. Be careful of difficult labor.

People dreaming of ice melting represent that although the initial operation is smooth:There are many obstacles and losses later.

People dreaming of ice melting in a big river suggest waiting for the fall and winter seasons.

A pregnant woman dreaming of melting ice in a river predicts the birth of a daughter:And it is better for her to drive less.

To dream of melted ice indicates that one will lose supporters.

People dreaming of stepping on ice and getting their shoes wet:Suggesting that it is better to go out less often, and to postpone going out with rain gear.

People dreaming of businessmen dreaming of ice melting into a lot of water:Representing a big obstacle, loss of property, stopping business, wait for the right time to move.

Pregnant people dreaming of river ice melting:Foretelling the birth of a man, spring occupying the birth of a woman, be careful to prevent the fetus from moving.

Dreaming of a big river ice melting:According to Zhouyi five elements analysis, peach blossom position in the east direction, wealth in the southeast direction, lucky number is 1, lucky color is orange, lucky food is green onion.

If a pregnant woman dreams of stepping on ice and her shoes getting wet:She is predicting the birth of a daughter. In the spring, a male will be born.

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