Dream:Damaged statue of Buddha

Dreaming of buying keys - to be damaged.

A man dreaming of a queen - will be financially damaged.

To dream of a nickel:Denotes to be damaged.

To dream of toppling a very large Buddha statue:Think before you speak and control your tongue more. Emotions are up and down and love luck is greatly affected. The mentality of spending money to get things done, money is damaged for nothing. Work/school luck is slipping, but you can't skip work just because you're upset.

A businessman dreaming of jail will have his business damaged.

Pregnant person dreaming of damage:Giving birth to a boy, mother and child are both weak, beware of miscarriage.

A traveler dreaming of a Buddha statue being dirty and me splashing water on it suggests that if you are traveling:Be careful in case of wind.

Dreaming of enemies shedding tears:Beware, will be fooled and damaged.

A pregnant woman dreaming of a dirty Buddha statue splashing water on me predicts the birth of a male child:While a female child is expected in April.

To dream of a broken vase means that the dreamer's career is not going well and he is suffering from financial loss.

Doing business dreamed of Buddha statue dirty I like Buddha statue splashing water:Represents slower progress, there is money to be gained.

A man dreaming of winning a prize will instead suffer losses.

Traveling people dream of bravery damaged:Suggest careful water and fire, can get peace.

To dream of setting fire to one's own property is to suffer loss.

A businessman dreaming of a prison sentence will suffer damage to his business.

To dream of getting a gold ring is an evil omen of loss.

For a traveler to dream of damage to a house:It suggests that going out will be unfavorable and thunder and lightning will be careful.

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