Dreaming of frogs eating spiders

If you dream of frogs eating spiders:You will fail to get what you want.Those who dreamt of frogs eating spiders on a trip traveled smoothly:But were not feeling well on ... Read more

What does frog eating gecko mean

If you are traveling and dream of a frog eating a gecko:You are advised to postpone your departure when it rains.People in love dreaming of frogs eating geckos:Suggests t... Read more

What does frogs eat fish mean?

If you are traveling and dream of frogs eating fish:You are advised to postpone your departure for three or four days.People in love dreaming of frogs eating fish suggest... Read more

Dreaming of many frogs eating worms

A traveler dreaming of many frogs eating bugs will be safe according to his original plan.If you dream of many frogs eating worms in your current year:You should not keep... Read more

What does frogs eat snakes mean?

A traveler dreaming of a snake eating a small frog travels smoothly and returns with a delay.A traveler dreaming of a snake eating a frog by a seal:A smooth trip back and... Read more

What does frogs get eaten mean?

A traveler dreaming of frogs eating frogs is advised to leave next time.A traveler dreaming of frogs being eaten by snakes is advised to go out without any harm:But it is... Read more

Dreams about frogs eating goldfish

For those who dreamt of frogs eating goldfish:It means that it would be better to retreat and defend, and that a big operation would be a big failure.For those who dreamt... Read more

What does frog eat mean?

People traveling dreaming of frogs eating frogs are advised to leave next time.For a person who goes to school dreaming of frogs eating frogs:It implies poor grades and f... Read more

What does frogs eat eggs mean?

If you are traveling and dream of frogs eating eggs:You are advised to postpone your departure and stop if you encounter wind and rain.If you dream of frogs eating eggs:I... Read more

Dreaming of a frog eating a snake

Those who are traveling dreamt of frogs eating snakes:Suggesting delaying going out again in case of wind and rain.A dream that a frog ate a snake means that you will not... Read more

Dream:White frogs eating snakes

A pregnant woman dreaming of white frogs eating snakes is predicting the birth of a daughter:While a man is expected in winter. Be careful when climbing up.If you dream o... Read more

What does frogs eat moths mean?

A pregnant woman dreaming of frogs eating moths predicts the birth of a male child.For those who dreamt of frogs eating moths:It means poor grades in liberal arts and poo... Read more