What does tadpole frog mean

A pregnant woman dreaming of frogs and tadpoles predicts the birth of a male child and a delayed birth.A pregnant woman dreaming of tadpoles and frogs foretells the birth... Read more

Dreams about frogs being killed

People traveling dreaming of frogs being killed are advised to proceed according to the original plan safely.People dreaming of businessmen dreaming of frogs being killed... Read more

Dreams about eating a small frog

A traveler dreaming of eating a small frog is advised to postpone his departure for a few days.People dreaming of eating a small frog implies that they will not be admitt... Read more

Dream:Snake eaten by frogs

A traveler dreaming of a snake being eaten by a frog is advised to postpone his departure.People traveling dreaming of a snake eating a frog are advised to travel well as... Read more

Dream:Spider eating frog

If you dream of frogs eating spiders:You will fail to get what you want.People who dreamt of frogs eating spiders on a trip are advised to take care of themselves if they... Read more

Dream:Frog overboard

For those who dreamt of frogs falling into water in their current year of life:It means that your people are outside, and you will get help and good luck, but it is hard ... Read more